Backgrounds & Patterns for Sketches with Susan B Neilson

Backgrounds & Patterns for Sketches with Susan B Neilson

Susan shares her expertise in creating stunning backgrounds and textures for sketching using the suminagashi method. Susan Burnham Neilson is a classically trained contemporary oil painter with a background in art education. Since moving to her home next to a nature conservancy in British Columbia, her art has celebrated the flora and fauna in the forest by her doorstep. She is interested in life cycles, wildlife, ecology, natural geometry, and our connections with nature.

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Backgrounds & Patterns for Sketches with Susan B Neilson
  • Backgrounds & Patterns for Sketches with Susan B Neilson

    Join Susan Burnham Neilson, a classically trained contemporary oil painter with a passion for nature and ecology, in this lesson. Susan shares her expertise in creating stunning backgrounds and textures for sketching using the suminagashi method. Inspired by the flora and fauna surrounding her ho...