Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer

Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer

Jolene Schafer, an artist passionate about environmental awareness and conservation, offers an engaging video art instruction on “Creating an Animal Amulet: Bare Bones Leatherworking.” In this workshop, participants explore the versatility of leather as a sculpting medium. Jolene guides learners through techniques such as embossing, engraving, and painting to mimic natural forms and textures. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a beginner, this class provides a playful opportunity to connect with the animal world through your own crafted amulet.

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Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer
  • Animal Amulet Painting Guide by Jolene Schafer in PDF Format

    2.54 MB

    In this PDF document, Jolene shows you the steps for creating your Animal Amulet with photos and text.

  • Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer - Part 1

    Jolene Schafer, an artist passionate about environmental awareness and conservation, offers an engaging video art instruction on “Creating an Animal Amulet: Bare Bones Leatherworking.” In this workshop, participants explore the versatility of leather as a sculpting medium. Jolene guides learners...

  • Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer - Part 2

    Jolene Schafer, an artist passionate about environmental awareness and conservation, offers an engaging video art instruction on “Creating an Animal Amulet: Bare Bones Leatherworking.” In this workshop, participants explore the versatility of leather as a sculpting medium. Jolene guides learners...

  • Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer - Part 3

    Jolene Schafer, an artist passionate about environmental awareness and conservation, offers an engaging video art instruction on “Creating an Animal Amulet: Bare Bones Leatherworking.” In this workshop, participants explore the versatility of leather as a sculpting medium. Jolene guides learners...

  • Creating an Animal Amulet; with Jolene Schafer - Part 4

    Jolene Schafer, an artist passionate about environmental awareness and conservation, offers an engaging video art instruction on “Creating an Animal Amulet: Bare Bones Leatherworking.” In this workshop, participants explore the versatility of leather as a sculpting medium. Jolene guides learners...