Introduction to Graphic Design, Layout & Working with Type, with Jay Pierstorff

Introduction to Graphic Design, Layout & Working with Type, with Jay Pierstorff

In Part 1 of Introduction to Graphic Design, Layouts and working with Type. Get started using a computer and Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Inkscape or similar program. You will learn about computer type or "fonts". Learn the difference between raster and vector fonts, true type and OpenType, serif and sans serif and when to use them.

In Part 2 you will learn about letter spacing and when to adjust it, column text alignment, and changing the shape of type. Also learn important information about letter descenders and ascenders.

In Part 3 Jay tackles, type symbols and glyphs, ligatures, Drop Caps, putting text on a path, lining up the elements of your design, using templates, making a business card, and some final advice.

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Introduction to Graphic Design, Layout & Working with Type, with Jay Pierstorff
  • Intro to Graphic Design Layout & Working with Type Part 1

    In Part 1 of Introduction to Graphic Design, Layouts and working with Type. Get started using a computer and Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Inkscape or similar program. You will learn about computer type or "fonts". Learn the difference between raster and vector fonts, true typ...

  • Intro to Graphic Design Layout & Working with Type Part 2

    In Part 2 you will learn about letter spacing and when to adjust it, column text alignment, and changing the shape of type. Also learn essential information about letter descenders and ascenders.

  • Intro to Graphic Design Layout & Working with Type Part 3

    In Part 3 Jay tackles, type symbols and glyphs, ligatures, Drop Caps, putting text on a path, lining up the elements of your design, using templates, making a business card, and some final advice.